West Des Moines Chiropractic, Physical Therapy & Acupuncture | (515) 225-4002

Doctor’s Blog

Turf Toe


Turf Toe “Turf toe” means that the strong fibrous ligaments connecting your big toe to your foot have been stretched too far and have been “sprained. This most commonly happens when your big toe is extended forcibly toward the top of your foot. This may happen abruptly from a fall or when something lands [...]

Turf Toe2021-02-26T23:04:51+00:00

The Best Indoor Exercises For Bad Weather Days


The Best Indoor Exercises For Bad Weather Days “I wish I could exercise, but it is too troublesome to step out while it’s raining.” “It’s too cold to workout!” Sound familiar? If you are guilty of not maintaining your workout regimen because of the weather, simply lamenting about it is not going to help. [...]

The Best Indoor Exercises For Bad Weather Days2024-10-28T08:46:32+00:00

Hip Abductor Weakness


Hip Abductor Weakness The main job of your hip muscles is to maintain the alignment of your leg when you move. One of the primary hip muscles, the gluteus medius, plays an especially important stabilizing role when you walk, run, or squat. The gluteus medius attaches your thigh bone to the crest of your [...]

Hip Abductor Weakness2022-04-13T20:59:58+00:00

How to Commit to Your Healthy Habits All Year Long


How to Commit to Your Healthy Habits All Year Long by Paige Johnson Many people that decide to try and lose weight and become healthier fall short after only a few short months. In fact, only 44% of people accomplish their weight loss goals. Although there are a number of reasons for this, many [...]

How to Commit to Your Healthy Habits All Year Long2024-06-19T10:48:59+00:00

What is Upper Cross Syndrome?


Upper Cross Syndrome Your posture plays an important role in your overall health. Poor posture leads to chronic strain and discomfort. “Upper cross syndrome” describes poor posture that results from excessive tightness in your shoulders and chest with weakness in your neck and mid-back. This combination forces your shoulders to roll inward and your [...]

What is Upper Cross Syndrome?2022-08-16T12:50:01+00:00

Lumbar Disc Lesion


Lumbar Disc Lesion Your spine consists of 24 individual vertebrae stacked on top of each other. Flexible cushions called “discs” live between each set of vertebrae. A disc is made up of two basic components. The inner disc, called the “nucleus”, is like a ball of jelly about the size of a marble. This [...]

Lumbar Disc Lesion2021-02-26T23:05:12+00:00

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – 3 Things You Don’t Know


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome : 3 Things you don't know It's generally known that pain and numbness of the hands can be caused by "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome"; however, what people commonly refer to as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is actually more specifically Carpal Tunnel Entrapment. Most patients with these symptoms will come in with pain, numbness, [...]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – 3 Things You Don’t Know2021-02-26T23:05:18+00:00

Whiplash and Chiropractic


Whiplash and Chiropractic Whiplash is a common term for an injury to the neck and head that is caused by rapid acceleration or deceleration of the head relative to the body.  The neck muscles are overpowered by the mass of the head moving or stopping very quickly and injury occurs.  It is commonly called [...]

Whiplash and Chiropractic2021-05-04T14:53:28+00:00

Sitting Posture for Extension Biased Low Back Pain


Sitting Posture for Extension Biased Low Back Pain Every day we get asked by patients, "Doctor, How should I sit?" and although it seems like it should be an easy answer, the variables surrounding back pain are enormous and so answering that question can be a real exercise in brainpower.  The short answer I [...]

Sitting Posture for Extension Biased Low Back Pain2021-06-16T21:51:16+00:00

What’s the Best Shoe for Small Feet?


What’s the Best Shoe for Small Feet? We often hear the question "What's the BEST shoe for small feet?"  And as parents, we often seek to maximize the family budget. One common cost-saving technique involves choosing shoes that toddlers and children “will grow into”. This week we will review a paper that examines this [...]

What’s the Best Shoe for Small Feet?2021-02-26T23:05:32+00:00
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